Make time for yourself 

This week, so far, has been good. I’m back to normal and have a spring in my step! My medication has levelled me out and I’m sticking to my healthy eating plan. Today I went out for breakfast with a friend and I did 30 lengths at swimming after.

While we were having breakfast we were talking about now we need to make more time for ourselves, everything is always about kids, work, our partners, cooking dinners, doing the food shopping, school runs…. you get the drift. Wheres our time?

Recently I took up swimming, now I’ve given up caring what people think I’ll happily get my cossie on swim till my hearts content. Its making me feel so good! I need to try and go more than once a week but I’ve been struggling to fit it in, well I think I should say I need to make more effort fitting it in. After a good swim I feel cleansed and revitalised, like I’ve achieved. And taking that hour and a half for myself has chilled me out today. 

We weren’t intending to have breakfast, we were just planning on getting our food shops done as quick as we could. But spur of the moment we thought why not?! Taking that half an hour to munch and chat was lovely, it didn’t cost the earth, it didn’t take all day, it was nice. 

So I challenge you this week to do one thing just for your self that YOU want to do!

The Secret Blog of a 30 Year Old

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